The Forms of The Participle (Bentuk-bentuk Participle)

The forms of the participle lesson

Bentuk-bentuk Participle

The forms of The Participle hampir sama dengan The forms of The Gerund.
Participle memiliki 4 bentuk yaitu :

1. Negative Participle

Negative Participle dibentuk dengan menambahkan NOT sebelum Present Participle dan Past Participle.
Contoh :
* The students not allowed to join a school tour send a letter of objection to the principal.
* The people not paying the tax on time will be fined.
* The visitors not bringing a guest taq may not enter the production area.
* Najwa, not permitted to go swimming with her friends, refused to eat.
* Izza, not elected the participant of Miss Indonesian contest, looks so exited.

2. Passive Present Participle

Passive Present Participle : Being + Verb-3 (sedang di...)
Contoh :
* The bridge being renovated in my town is closed for motorbikes and cars.
(Jembatan yang sedang diperbaiki di kotaku tertutup untuk motor dan mobil)
* The article being presented in a studen forum tells about the problems of youth.
(Artikel yang sedang dipresentasikan di forum pelajar membicarakan tentang masalah pemuda)
* Will the company hire the applicants being interviewed in that room ?
(Akankah perusahaan mempekerjakan para pelamar yang sedang diwawancarai di ruangan itu ? )

3. Active Perfect Participle

Active Perfect participle : Having + Verb-3 (Setelah me/ber...)
Contoh :
* Having listened to some speech, the audiences are entertained with songs and dances.
(Setelah mendengarkan pidato, penonton dihibur dengan lagu dan tarian)
* The athletes having joined an international game are welcomed to meet the president.
(Para atlit setelah bergabung dalam pertandingan internasional disambut untuk bertemu presiden)
* Having finished doing his job interview, Robby went out for lunch.
(Setelah selesai melakukan wawancara pekerjaannya, Robby pergi keluar untuk makan siang)

4. Passive Perfect Participle

Passive Perfect Participle : Having been + Verb-3 (Setelah di...)
Contoh :
* Having been served lunch, the committee continued the meeting .
(Setelah selesai makan siang, panitia melanjutkan pertemuan)
* Having been intimidated, that family didn’t want to inhabit their house anymore.
(Setelah diintimidasi/diterror, keluarga itu tidak ingin menghuni rumah mereka lagi)

 Itulah materi The Forms of The Participle (Bentuk-bentuk Participle) yang bisa saya bagikan.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Keep studying :)

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